Peer to Peer (P2P) API


The P2P API consists of a single endpoint that accepts an HTTP POST request containing a specifically structured JSON body. All information is passed through this single endpoint. The endpoint always returns a 200 OK response, but if the request is incorrect, the response body will be empty. This is not correct HTTP API design at all, but it is what the node does.

Here is an example request that gets a list of peers the node knows about.

User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 58

    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getPeers"

The above example is the minimum required to communicate with the node's P2P API. This request is modeled as a raw HTTP request, so it will need to be adapted to the programming language in use. Let's break it down.

  • The request must be an HTTP 1.1 POST request.
  • The host should be the address of the node the software wants to communicate with and is required.
  • Request Headers
    • The User-Agent MUST be BRS/ followed by a valid version. Valid versions are any version the node you're communicating with will accept. In practice, the node's current version or later, and one version older, are valid. NOTE: The node will not respond without this header correctly set.
    • The Connection header is not required, but it is good practice. It lets the node's webserver know that it is safe to close the connection after sending a response, and should not expect to receive any further data from the client. It is unknown whether the node handles any option except close for this header.
    • The Content-Type header indicates to the node that it should parse the body as JSON. This is required to always be application/json.
    • The Content-Length header tells the node how long the body is, in bytes. This should be calculated just prior to sending the request. It is required.
  • Request Body
    • The request body is required to be a top-level JSON object. That is, it must begin and end with {}.
    • The root object must contain the protocol field with the case-sensitive value B1. No other protocol version exists and the node will not respond with information if this is incorrect.
    • The root object must contain the requestType field. This field defines the information being requested and can be thought of as the true 'endpoint' when comparing to a REST API. Valid request types are:
      • addPeers
      • getCumulativeDifficulty
      • getInfo
      • getMilestoneBlockIds
      • getNextBlockIds
      • getBlocksFromHeigt
      • getNextBlocks
      • getPeers
      • getUnconfirmedTransactions
      • processBlock
      • processTransactions

Request Types / Virtual Endpoints

All request types will return a single root JSON object containing the information requested or data in response to a request for the node to process something.


Requests that the queried node add the supplied peers to its own database. Allows nodes to proactively share nodes.

Returns an empty JSON root object.

Example HTTP Request:

User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 86

    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "addPeers",

Example curl Request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0' \
--header 'Connection: close' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "addPeers",

Example Response:



Returns the latest cumulative difficulty of the chain. Cumulative Difficulty is the result of a calculation and allows the node to shift to a correct chain if there is a fork. The chosen behavior to identify the correct chain is to seek the chain with the highest cumulative difficulty.

The calculation is:

previous_cumulative_difficulty + (18446744073709551616 / base_target)

NOTE: It is unknown why this number was chosen as a constant.

Example HTTP Request:

User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 73

    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getCumulativeDifficulty"

Example curl Request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0' \
--header 'Connection: close' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getCumulativeDifficulty"

Response Fields:

  • cumulativeDifficulty the current cumulative difficulty.
  • blockchainHeight this represents the number of blocks forged since the start of the chain.

Example Response:

    "cumulativeDifficulty": "156571904172004726847",
    "blockchainHeight": 1236261


Returns basic information about the node.

Example HTTP Request:

User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 216

    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getInfo",
    "announcedAddress": "",
    "application": "BRS",
    "version": "3.8.0",
    "platform": "Postman Test",
    "shareAddress": false

Example curl Request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0' \
--header 'Connection: close' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getInfo",
    "announcedAddress": "",
    "application": "BRS",
    "version": "3.8.0",
    "platform": "Postman Test",
    "shareAddress": false

Response Fields:

  • announcedAddress the configured address for the node; either an IP:port or host:port combination
  • application always 'BRS' for the Signum node.
  • version the node software version.
  • platform the configured platform field. Likely to be the Signum address of the node runner or, by default, the string 'PC'.
  • shareAddress true or false. Indicates whether the client should share the queried node's address to other nodes.
  • networkName the name of the network this node is running on. 'Signum' for the main Signum network. 'TestNet' otherwise.

Example Response:

    "announcedAddress": "",
    "application": "BRS",
    "version": "v3.8.0",
    "platform": "S-C9TD-24WW-RUD3-FGHVJ",
    "shareAddress": true,
    "networkName": "Signum"


Gets the latest common block ids between the requesting node and the target node. The behavior of this endpoint differs depending on whether or not the requesting node has already located a common milestone block.

If it has not yet found a common milestone, it will include the field lastBlockId in the request to the target node. This will ask the target node to return up to 10 block IDs, beginning with the top of its chain and skipping backwards by 10 blocks at at time. This will cover 100 blocks of the target node's chain.

If it already has found a milestone block id, it will instead include the field lastMilestoneBlockId in the request to the target node. This increases the jump value and searches a greater range for a common milestone. It can only happen if we get a common milestone that isn't the same block as our max height. If the target node is at block 100 and we're at block 89, the first search with lastBlockId should count back by 10s, giving a common block of 80, but the second search looks to count backwards by 20s. It will increase the jump distance in relation to the distance between the two nodes' heights. This is likely to allow the node to quickly search the entire blockchain for a common block.

If a lastMilestoneBlockId is requested that the target doesn't have, it appears to return a the set of blocks identical to the initial query.

Initial Request

Example HTTP Request for first request:

User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 111

    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getMilestoneBlockIds",
    "lastBlockId": 8380252857853969990

Example curl Request for first request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0' \
--header 'Connection: close' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getMilestoneBlockIds",
    "lastBlockId": 8380252857853969990

Subsequent Requests

Example HTTP Request for subsequent requests:

User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 123

    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getMilestoneBlockIds",
    "lastMilestoneBlockId": "13696763374077953626"

Example curl Request for subsequent requests:

curl --location '' \
--header 'User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0' \
--header 'Connection: close' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getMilestoneBlockIds",
    "lastMilestoneBlockId": "13696763374077953626"

Response Fields:

  • milestoneBlockIds a JSON array of block IDs representing milestones.
  • last a boolean; true if this is the last block in the target node's chain. This field will only appear alongside an array of 1 block ID. This field does not display false at all, but will not exist in the JSON object if the block returned is not the final block in the chain.

Example Response when multiple milestones exist:

    "milestoneBlockIds": [

Example Response when multiple milestones exist (only when sending lastBlockId):

    "milestoneBlockIds": [
    "last": true


This endpoint returns the IDs of the next up to 100 blocks following the block for which an ID is provided.

If 10 blocks exist, with IDs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, then calling this action with a blockId of '7' will return an array of 8, 9, and 10.

Request Fields:

  • blockId the ID of any block in the chain.

Example HTTP Request:

User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 105

    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getNextBlockIds",
    "blockId": "17655301179078078080"

Example curl Request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0' \
--header 'Connection: close' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getNextBlockIds",
    "blockId": "17655301179078078080"

Response Fields:

  • nextBlockIds an array of up to 100 block IDs immediately following the ID in the request.

Example Response:

    "nextBlockIds": [


Returns a JSON object containing an array of entire blocks, ordered oldest to newest, starting with the block immediately following the height requested with height, and optionally limited to numBlocks.

Request Fields:

  • height the height in the blockchain to begin.
  • numBlocks optional limit on the number of blocks to return.

Example HTTP Request:

User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 111

    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getBlocksFromHeight",
    "height": 1962,
    "numBlocks": 2

Example curl Request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0' \
--header 'Connection: close' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getBlocksFromHeight",
    "height": 1962,
    "numBlocks": 2

Response Fields:

  • nextBlocks an array of blocks beginning directly after the height requested.

Example Response:

    "nextBlocks": [
            "version": 3,
            "timestamp": 501340,
            "previousBlock": "4584982169599395303",
            "totalAmountNQT": 0,
            "totalFeeNQT": 0,
            "totalFeeCashBackNQT": 0,
            "totalFeeBurntNQT": 0,
            "payloadLength": 0,
            "payloadHash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
            "generatorPublicKey": "f25d24f1ff10c69c23e75b54a9fe50c5ee2bfdd6c3418d09d84fe062b253e23c",
            "generationSignature": "ed1bc0818f115fab0cd249bc5c789c7a666b6f90742cc64423767952f9cee959",
            "previousBlockHash": "e7c578b0fd20a13f5b9385a710714386d1d57ff6dfd665a6197c8ca8167faac6",
            "blockSignature": "b412cfa25280a518080c702e84153478758a4b3640772dd8239aaf74c933e30ddd70ce6b1029e98802778987afad0065aa00f3dd776688a8a7eaf5f69127e2ae",
            "transactions": [],
            "nonce": "1166774",
            "baseTarget": "139287089",
            "blockATs": null
            "version": 3,
            "timestamp": 501730,
            "previousBlock": "9354106736727793056",
            "totalAmountNQT": 1000000000,
            "totalFeeNQT": 200000000,
            "totalFeeCashBackNQT": 0,
            "totalFeeBurntNQT": 0,
            "payloadLength": 334,
            "payloadHash": "4e48737232b06421ea2b38603f78975a875ca09ff9991d4ca0f5519c0818c0c7",
            "generatorPublicKey": "63cd1465f9dcee200deaeea57be83d1765704420fbd1d980ffde256717927d5a",
            "generationSignature": "f6e7cf9cf3cba538f926845c200180a52035f3f3612bf569d95d38f54b562beb",
            "previousBlockHash": "a09dbf518476d081c72a897f2d3836a6ed36837f6dbe2fe5f75f88daef90e2af",
            "blockSignature": "df5bbee02a813dbc06df695a525bd957220b4ca17e80066a8b81918defcc2f0aaf2916a3927626371be760d61d82bbe28251c7df4bf0d7129f7f1ab4d0d2342b",
            "transactions": [
                    "type": 0,
                    "subtype": 0,
                    "timestamp": 501385,
                    "deadline": 1440,
                    "senderPublicKey": "0fcf782f9b032b1bbaf34fc68822909f8f3bb6e40fe625b5a50d5cf82eec071d",
                    "recipient": "16422175186807093330",
                    "amountNQT": 1000000000,
                    "feeNQT": 100000000,
                    "ecBlockHeight": 0,
                    "ecBlockId": "0",
                    "cashBackId": "0",
                    "signature": "4f88a148288c1cf6ba1e2f431f136d9e4e070be9b89d46e9e654db5a286ee1084752a78871dc4437bcbd29d266befa69cc297d2f0b52a685aa63364255fb67c8",
                    "attachment": {},
                    "version": 0
                    "type": 1,
                    "subtype": 0,
                    "timestamp": 501461,
                    "deadline": 1440,
                    "senderPublicKey": "b2c5645a7a7d137f8e25bf2c3a687ced8bdd2cbf28ded07234e58ed8af4ab341",
                    "recipient": "13096661501486641671",
                    "amountNQT": 0,
                    "feeNQT": 100000000,
                    "ecBlockHeight": 0,
                    "ecBlockId": "0",
                    "cashBackId": "0",
                    "signature": "ca8a63619d79306e261cf21112f5e8b75aa35b33edfa73bafca051dadfdcea0c827a53daf950fe7568c1565d948b30d6ba751c977e5bacab2081e0ef66e35eef",
                    "attachment": {
                        "message": "7468616e6b732062726f",
                        "messageIsText": false
                    "version": 0
            "nonce": "157680",
            "baseTarget": "146357575",
            "blockATs": null


Returns a JSON object containing an array of blocks following a request blockId. The number of blocks received from this request is either 1/2 of the Maximum Rollback value, or a number set in the node's configuration.

Request Fields:

  • blockId the ID of a block in the chain.

Example HTTP Request:

User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 103

    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getNextBlocks",
    "blockId": "12719136861414771996"

Example curl Request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0' \
--header 'Connection: close' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getNextBlocks",
    "blockId": "12719136861414771996"

Response Fields:

  • nextBlocks an array of blocks beginning directly after the height requested.

Example Response:

    "nextBlocks": [
            "version": 4,
            "timestamp": 298332436,
            "previousBlock": "12719136861414771996",
            "totalAmountNQT": 3400000000,
            "totalFeeNQT": 108600000,
            "totalFeeCashBackNQT": 1250000,
            "totalFeeBurntNQT": 103600000,
            "payloadLength": 977,
            "payloadHash": "81e990d0d47783096a959459fe03d5dc1ed0b1725f9420e9049892c0d501c7b7",
            "generatorPublicKey": "2856ad42cf82d40beeb51383771952ea0d76b67c33b88ce69ccea5cdca1a5a32",
            "generationSignature": "ebd0ee5d74a45e6a63b82222818623a61e332bf5c1c87093bf04277416f097fb",
            "previousBlockHash": "1c4d342a967383b0257c1bcb8ab3ed73a4fb510a09fd16673dba17224b02b631",
            "blockSignature": "0665aa3eb6ba107eea5f85419809f9f07f0ae3bcd8030e1902719ada5072e60b3d480e8d09fc554f56b5d888cae4008da2ca65367d6cb003edab0a4e0125ea80",
            "transactions": [
                    "type": 0,
                    "subtype": 0,
                    "timestamp": 298332398,
                    "deadline": 24,
                    "senderPublicKey": "0936031e61748b9a724dc95ee9fc5292e4f5282ac3d1cf3c8d40b4d822e7213c",
                    "recipient": "11130321392388236382",
                    "amountNQT": 500000000,
                    "feeNQT": 1000000,
                    "ecBlockHeight": 1236839,
                    "ecBlockId": "5664028750724787922",
                    "cashBackId": "13420738867631717395",
                    "signature": "df8e0e4316989534eaca8441c759be609652ad4e5e7ffc4139d998bae3375b0356dc187890107aebdd0c8a8bef0f9dc4c7cd7693221c524268aa08bf7cdf2c98",
                    "attachment": {},
                    "version": 2
                    "type": 0,
                    "subtype": 0,
                    "timestamp": 298332400,
                    "deadline": 24,
                    "senderPublicKey": "0936031e61748b9a724dc95ee9fc5292e4f5282ac3d1cf3c8d40b4d822e7213c",
                    "recipient": "13831709662995834087",
                    "amountNQT": 500000000,
                    "feeNQT": 1000000,
                    "ecBlockHeight": 1236839,
                    "ecBlockId": "5664028750724787922",
                    "cashBackId": "13420738867631717395",
                    "signature": "a722057e0a9e2bafbd2335e22415cf2cd569679a7165963e4dcea3dd230f720763b01101737b447bfcc4a63c1061c9481610106885f5c6c5c1facdf489a4c6bf",
                    "attachment": {},
                    "version": 2
                    "type": 20,
                    "subtype": 1,
                    "timestamp": 298332277,
                    "deadline": 1440,
                    "senderPublicKey": "6ef637ea38abdaf5aab4c2944251ce89b10b9f4f1e88996fa348706d9f089e07",
                    "amountNQT": 0,
                    "feeNQT": 1000000,
                    "ecBlockHeight": 1236838,
                    "ecBlockId": "9840412014607810403",
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                    "signature": "d8ed7fe3b96d1e6f61bf2775d2de3529451c869b80b184dc424d5c5e3a490f0fc0cbdb68214944152572d0cea65a6a67d1a7779e03314540660b50c0d2575001",
                    "attachment": {
                        "version.CommitmentAdd": 1,
                        "amountNQT": 1000000000
                    "version": 2
                    "type": 0,
                    "subtype": 0,
                    "timestamp": 298332268,
                    "deadline": 24,
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                    "recipient": "13831709662995834087",
                    "amountNQT": 500000000,
                    "feeNQT": 1000000,
                    "ecBlockHeight": 1236838,
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                    "cashBackId": "13420738867631717395",
                    "signature": "54c3c682b0d6e7b54c90ff9b1d0d9c1e73feb9ab8d398f76390f98511c979b040c73fb2f95c2e0965fc6310035895d98d9ca639f9095897e726df1a49eb5cd1f",
                    "attachment": {},
                    "version": 2
                    "type": 0,
                    "subtype": 0,
                    "timestamp": 298332267,
                    "deadline": 24,
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                    "recipient": "11130321392388236382",
                    "amountNQT": 500000000,
                    "feeNQT": 1000000,
                    "ecBlockHeight": 1236838,
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                    "attachment": {},
                    "version": 2
            "nonce": "17170354452813001494",
            "baseTarget": "6032946343509152816",
            "blockATs": "9949cc89a184bd46f83d3d4cc6d047efcdae2109a21a22b60319e3bdff90b38894e0ceeca74decadb3b6b7775c2f743e"
            "version": 4,
            "timestamp": 298332687,
            "previousBlock": "14533852665764262390",
            "totalAmountNQT": 13390000000,
            "totalFeeNQT": 106900000,
            "totalFeeCashBackNQT": 1000000,
            "totalFeeBurntNQT": 102900000,
            "payloadLength": 808,
            "payloadHash": "a4c1983e245981f3710f5131c7237f77b8a678ef9303e977bcb839888ac5743c",
            "generatorPublicKey": "59ddca1ec71a228b57de2eb7976bb6de8faec4c47ed9282b65192ed09055db35",
            "generationSignature": "03faf674bc18d95949f94f015a937c6e7317005edc86d19fa13d099ee5d4b1dc",
            "previousBlockHash": "f631bef0fe9db2c98b1770ee884ddd1c30f3ba3aa9628868a667e7787545c063",
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            "transactions": [
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                    "timestamp": 298332661,
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                    "recipient": "13831709662995834087",
                    "amountNQT": 500000000,
                    "feeNQT": 1000000,
                    "ecBlockHeight": 1236839,
                    "ecBlockId": "5664028750724787922",
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                    "signature": "e1bcff2121e8e0f3e9349cc01aa30f15fe555eef3511cac68b42d85006685e0cabf8c4a77102851b485828475559cfb825836302e56c52421becdf36a992d018",
                    "attachment": {},
                    "version": 2
                    "type": 0,
                    "subtype": 0,
                    "timestamp": 298332530,
                    "deadline": 24,
                    "senderPublicKey": "0936031e61748b9a724dc95ee9fc5292e4f5282ac3d1cf3c8d40b4d822e7213c",
                    "recipient": "11130321392388236382",
                    "amountNQT": 500000000,
                    "feeNQT": 1000000,
                    "ecBlockHeight": 1236839,
                    "ecBlockId": "5664028750724787922",
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                    "signature": "91d42399b2fb6522c38d321ef386ace46a2e38af77a36fadc982e5eb4370530590943616fb0e308a89794c5dfcfa2b61cafadc5b761f2c7ba8ad3ad6e9d358a3",
                    "attachment": {},
                    "version": 2
                    "type": 0,
                    "subtype": 0,
                    "timestamp": 298332531,
                    "deadline": 24,
                    "senderPublicKey": "0936031e61748b9a724dc95ee9fc5292e4f5282ac3d1cf3c8d40b4d822e7213c",
                    "recipient": "13831709662995834087",
                    "amountNQT": 500000000,
                    "feeNQT": 1000000,
                    "ecBlockHeight": 1236839,
                    "ecBlockId": "5664028750724787922",
                    "cashBackId": "13420738867631717395",
                    "signature": "7cc29eacce14bf231a5ed0cdc85fd6d297d2bd2a7794b71ce2631e56b67ea0065b667f4ae01e864599b47032823c3753397086bad6813dd2cacb1e0d61ac1787",
                    "attachment": {},
                    "version": 2
                    "type": 0,
                    "subtype": 0,
                    "timestamp": 298332660,
                    "deadline": 24,
                    "senderPublicKey": "0936031e61748b9a724dc95ee9fc5292e4f5282ac3d1cf3c8d40b4d822e7213c",
                    "recipient": "11130321392388236382",
                    "amountNQT": 500000000,
                    "feeNQT": 1000000,
                    "ecBlockHeight": 1236839,
                    "ecBlockId": "5664028750724787922",
                    "cashBackId": "13420738867631717395",
                    "signature": "629983e40d1545c489ee1b523e12197021284665d96675088bab7dce8cfc8e089791f1e598a88c6889ffa327caf7ddca8cc76ef9f2014577813b56f7e6be2580",
                    "attachment": {},
                    "version": 2
            "nonce": "201612246958",
            "baseTarget": "6032678543708253984",
            "blockATs": "516f0885d7915f8c4660998cbc72aa32c04d5eadeb02685163f82fb370d341f433e8cac1145a0c831fdc89c0ee066ac10319e3bdff90b388b92f277dc4a344fa6f2599caa5d15922"


Returns a list of peers the queried node knows about that it is allowed to share.

Example HTTP Request:

User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 58

    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getPeers"

Example curl Request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0' \
--header 'Connection: close' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getPeers"

Response Fields:

  • peers a JSON array of strings containing IP:port or host:port combinations.

Example Response:

    "peers": [


Returns a JSON array with a list of of transaction objects the node is aware of but that have yet to be confirmed by being forged into a block.

Example HTTP Request:

User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 76

    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getUnconfirmedTransactions"

Example curl Request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0' \
--header 'Connection: close' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "getUnconfirmedTransactions"

Response Fields:

  • unconfirmedTransactions an array of objects representing transactions. Example Response:
    "unconfirmedTransactions": [
            "type": 2,
            "subtype": 1,
            "timestamp": 298326786,
            "deadline": 1440,
            "senderPublicKey": "789e1ecac7abc4ff7e776f2dedd2e9be6083d010efa0c6913f05507aa77b9340",
            "recipient": "17842702224298695831",
            "amountNQT": 0,
            "feeNQT": 2000000,
            "ecBlockHeight": 1236814,
            "ecBlockId": "11396976196756642613",
            "cashBackId": "17909721588112212347",
            "signature": "29f4548fb0a4a509a11c23fe9d8de49becc7d802dde4e56ce427be373b3d24038b0e5dff01438d8a42cb2db9cd76e99997394bb9ec0745911e72629c0bc24193",
            "attachment": {
                "version.AssetTransfer": 1,
                "asset": "14328689902698254062",
                "quantityQNT": 1000000
            "version": 2


Submits a single block to a node to be processed and recorded.

This request type is non-standard in that it doesn't use sub-properties of the root object to define the block. The request root object is the JSON-serialized block itself, with the protocol and requestType properties added directly to it.

Request Fields:

  • previousBlock the ID of a block which submitted blocks must follow. Should be the top of the blockchain. Used as an initial check to ensure valid blocks are being submitted.

Example HTTP Request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0' \
--header 'Connection: close' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "processBlock",
    "version": 4,
    "timestamp": 298354767,
    "previousBlock": "18369301224889401486",
    "totalAmountNQT": 20995342056,
    "totalFeeNQT": 171800000,
    "totalFeeCashBackNQT": 1500000,
    "totalFeeBurntNQT": 165800000,
    "payloadLength": 1018,
    "payloadHash": "7fb2df2066af0e12ad2cccd2ae7ae673b3e8ee670ca37d39a34e894aaaf90349",
    "generatorPublicKey": "6a7b9f594ec0fbffd2bbe8109d5438be5e7747b9be456cba909773404aeb6278",
    "generationSignature": "ae339924f2cc8565d2a553d72b89d3f944d0fa76e042fc10e65852be769ca40c",
    "previousBlockHash": "8e40aea923deecfe0c2b1fb8dc31d4ef59197ed192b08a86cc5dbe8bd5c2554e",
    "blockSignature": "dacb615761b9a6619c97c9bf8777886eff55b7bce205f53f137d339168f7470fc3b3251a2f00c337636cf3d40617be03dd0c827b4b03ef0c2beeb568d748e6e7",
    "transactions": [
            "type": 0,
            "subtype": 0,
            "timestamp": 298354701,
            "deadline": 24,
            "senderPublicKey": "0936031e61748b9a724dc95ee9fc5292e4f5282ac3d1cf3c8d40b4d822e7213c",
            "recipient": "11130321392388236382",
            "amountNQT": 500000000,
            "feeNQT": 1000000,
            "ecBlockHeight": 1236933,
            "ecBlockId": "15722498062156268369",
            "cashBackId": "13420738867631717395",
            "signature": "a1dd37dffdaec97d65f6b0d615ab06784f0727ca766f8875936eabb676ed30013b732380d0498992b3ea245362a56b7cae9d231bc77b6e66e8464e6a1eb55f93",
            "attachment": {},
            "version": 2
            "type": 0,
            "subtype": 1,
            "timestamp": 298354535,
            "deadline": 1440,
            "senderPublicKey": "3cd5610384aed89ace1550e54604b382394520089c14db4747fd1e8f188c5658",
            "amountNQT": 14595342056,
            "feeNQT": 2000000,
            "ecBlockHeight": 1236932,
            "ecBlockId": "15206958044651677745",
            "cashBackId": "14532404230105986816",
            "signature": "1b8d016bfb2828f1928c98e66f3b4be56f0ff05d73a29c5033df32aa69a3560e95733f15ae93c33940e3cb3f79359c3049137c2553b3a8b152660b1ab83a66ae",
            "attachment": {
                "version.MultiOutCreation": 1,
                "recipients": [
            "version": 2
            "type": 0,
            "subtype": 0,
            "timestamp": 298354571,
            "deadline": 24,
            "senderPublicKey": "0936031e61748b9a724dc95ee9fc5292e4f5282ac3d1cf3c8d40b4d822e7213c",
            "recipient": "13831709662995834087",
            "amountNQT": 500000000,
            "feeNQT": 1000000,
            "ecBlockHeight": 1236932,
            "ecBlockId": "15206958044651677745",
            "cashBackId": "13420738867631717395",
            "signature": "73227bbeda56f251d13f02078ce913652a0235937498555268afdc2a9feff90d47c1caf1395eaac8a0f75947964670d26aa2e1226453a405c3536440f5a5447b",
            "attachment": {},
            "version": 2
            "type": 0,
            "subtype": 0,
            "timestamp": 298354569,
            "deadline": 24,
            "senderPublicKey": "0936031e61748b9a724dc95ee9fc5292e4f5282ac3d1cf3c8d40b4d822e7213c",
            "recipient": "11130321392388236382",
            "amountNQT": 500000000,
            "feeNQT": 1000000,
            "ecBlockHeight": 1236932,
            "ecBlockId": "15206958044651677745",
            "cashBackId": "13420738867631717395",
            "signature": "3fddd54dbf53441508fa2b7be9f347463bb4a2807f28abe14cf030d99f59360c6b7ed188cf641d38f0b69044a6747eba375a421de121c890cebb63c7d8e1d688",
            "attachment": {},
            "version": 2
            "type": 0,
            "subtype": 0,
            "timestamp": 298354702,
            "deadline": 24,
            "senderPublicKey": "0936031e61748b9a724dc95ee9fc5292e4f5282ac3d1cf3c8d40b4d822e7213c",
            "recipient": "13831709662995834087",
            "amountNQT": 500000000,
            "feeNQT": 1000000,
            "ecBlockHeight": 1236933,
            "ecBlockId": "15722498062156268369",
            "cashBackId": "13420738867631717395",
            "signature": "25dd574b1023f06b42b144caf77b8863d1f818f960622446c204ae9c0483ed0e78a14d12b9b063c3ea57da57e58107e005f87c996cb4c6d11f7cfe8ac368564e",
            "attachment": {},
            "version": 2
    "nonce": "9983631486491223727",
    "baseTarget": "6036338955354410456",
    "blockATs": "c8b98c03e292de9ab3e1c6f4cdb803bab66cf8ad30b5274f0319e3bdff90b3881acce34052e5895c3e6b3b32e045f230"

Example curl Request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'User-Agent: BRS/3.8.0' \
--header 'Connection: close' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "protocol": "B1",
    "requestType": "processBlock",
    "version": 4,
    "timestamp": 298354767,
    "previousBlock": "18369301224889401486",
    "totalAmountNQT": 20995342056,
    "totalFeeNQT": 171800000,
    "totalFeeCashBackNQT": 1500000,
    "totalFeeBurntNQT": 165800000,
    "payloadLength": 1018,
    "payloadHash": "7fb2df2066af0e12ad2cccd2ae7ae673b3e8ee670ca37d39a34e894aaaf90349",
    "generatorPublicKey": "6a7b9f594ec0fbffd2bbe8109d5438be5e7747b9be456cba909773404aeb6278",
    "generationSignature": "ae339924f2cc8565d2a553d72b89d3f944d0fa76e042fc10e65852be769ca40c",
    "previousBlockHash": "8e40aea923deecfe0c2b1fb8dc31d4ef59197ed192b08a86cc5dbe8bd5c2554e",
    "blockSignature": "dacb615761b9a6619c97c9bf8777886eff55b7bce205f53f137d339168f7470fc3b3251a2f00c337636cf3d40617be03dd0c827b4b03ef0c2beeb568d748e6e7",
    "transactions": [
            "type": 0,
            "subtype": 0,
            "timestamp": 298354701,
            "deadline": 24,
            "senderPublicKey": "0936031e61748b9a724dc95ee9fc5292e4f5282ac3d1cf3c8d40b4d822e7213c",
            "recipient": "11130321392388236382",
            "amountNQT": 500000000,
            "feeNQT": 1000000,
            "ecBlockHeight": 1236933,
            "ecBlockId": "15722498062156268369",
            "cashBackId": "13420738867631717395",
            "signature": "a1dd37dffdaec97d65f6b0d615ab06784f0727ca766f8875936eabb676ed30013b732380d0498992b3ea245362a56b7cae9d231bc77b6e66e8464e6a1eb55f93",
            "attachment": {},
            "version": 2
            "type": 0,
            "subtype": 1,
            "timestamp": 298354535,
            "deadline": 1440,
            "senderPublicKey": "3cd5610384aed89ace1550e54604b382394520089c14db4747fd1e8f188c5658",
            "amountNQT": 14595342056,
            "feeNQT": 2000000,
            "ecBlockHeight": 1236932,
            "ecBlockId": "15206958044651677745",
            "cashBackId": "14532404230105986816",
            "signature": "1b8d016bfb2828f1928c98e66f3b4be56f0ff05d73a29c5033df32aa69a3560e95733f15ae93c33940e3cb3f79359c3049137c2553b3a8b152660b1ab83a66ae",
            "attachment": {
                "version.MultiOutCreation": 1,
                "recipients": [
            "version": 2
            "type": 0,
            "subtype": 0,
            "timestamp": 298354571,
            "deadline": 24,
            "senderPublicKey": "0936031e61748b9a724dc95ee9fc5292e4f5282ac3d1cf3c8d40b4d822e7213c",
            "recipient": "13831709662995834087",
            "amountNQT": 500000000,
            "feeNQT": 1000000,
            "ecBlockHeight": 1236932,
            "ecBlockId": "15206958044651677745",
            "cashBackId": "13420738867631717395",
            "signature": "73227bbeda56f251d13f02078ce913652a0235937498555268afdc2a9feff90d47c1caf1395eaac8a0f75947964670d26aa2e1226453a405c3536440f5a5447b",
            "attachment": {},
            "version": 2
            "type": 0,
            "subtype": 0,
            "timestamp": 298354569,
            "deadline": 24,
            "senderPublicKey": "0936031e61748b9a724dc95ee9fc5292e4f5282ac3d1cf3c8d40b4d822e7213c",
            "recipient": "11130321392388236382",
            "amountNQT": 500000000,
            "feeNQT": 1000000,
            "ecBlockHeight": 1236932,
            "ecBlockId": "15206958044651677745",
            "cashBackId": "13420738867631717395",
            "signature": "3fddd54dbf53441508fa2b7be9f347463bb4a2807f28abe14cf030d99f59360c6b7ed188cf641d38f0b69044a6747eba375a421de121c890cebb63c7d8e1d688",
            "attachment": {},
            "version": 2
            "type": 0,
            "subtype": 0,
            "timestamp": 298354702,
            "deadline": 24,
            "senderPublicKey": "0936031e61748b9a724dc95ee9fc5292e4f5282ac3d1cf3c8d40b4d822e7213c",
            "recipient": "13831709662995834087",
            "amountNQT": 500000000,
            "feeNQT": 1000000,
            "ecBlockHeight": 1236933,
            "ecBlockId": "15722498062156268369",
            "cashBackId": "13420738867631717395",
            "signature": "25dd574b1023f06b42b144caf77b8863d1f818f960622446c204ae9c0483ed0e78a14d12b9b063c3ea57da57e58107e005f87c996cb4c6d11f7cfe8ac368564e",
            "attachment": {},
            "version": 2
    "nonce": "9983631486491223727",
    "baseTarget": "6036338955354410456",
    "blockATs": "c8b98c03e292de9ab3e1c6f4cdb803bab66cf8ad30b5274f0319e3bdff90b3881acce34052e5895c3e6b3b32e045f230"

Response Fields:

  • accepted true or false depending on whether the blocks were valid to accept or not.

Example Response if Block is Rejected:

    "accepted": false

Example Response if Block is Accepted:

    "accepted": true


Requests that the node process a list of one or more included transactions.

Request Fields:

  • transactions a JSON array of JSON-serialized transaction objects.

Example HTTP Request:

Example curl Request:

Response Fields:

Example Response: